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Our Team

Not just top market experts — like-minded people
Pavel Konev
IT technology direction
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Tugaleva
Chief Executive Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Nadezhda Abubakarova
Export destination
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Sushkov
Partner | Rostov Division
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Kucherenko
Procurement direction
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Shevtsova
Financial analytics
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Tugaleva
Chief Executive Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Marianna Tsakunova
The direction of corporate finance
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Irina Salikhova
Accounting direction
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Evgenia Nesmeyanova
Sending legal support
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Sushkov
Partner | Rostov Division
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Kucherenko
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Nadezhda Aksenova
The direction of contracting and operational accounting
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Alexey Khamlov
Head of Department in Stavropol, Head of Certification
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Lavrichenko
Partner | Logistic support
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Dmitry Podgorny
Port Facilities Operations Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Valiulova
Director of organizational development
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Svetlana Pechenaya
Quality control
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Pavel Konev
IT Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Tugaleva
Chief Executive Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Nadezhda Kornilova
Head of Export Department (FEA)
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Sushkov
Rostov Division Manager
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Kucherenko
Chief Commercial Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Shevtsova
Head of the Financial and Analytical Department
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Tugaleva
Chief Executive Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Shmeleva
Treasury Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Irina Salikhova
Chief Accountant
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Evgenia Nesmeyanova
Head of Legal Department
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Sushkov
Rostov Division Manager
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Natalya Kucherenko
Chief Commercial Officer
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Nadezhda Aksenova
Head of the Operational Accounting and Contracts Department
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Alexey Khamlov
Head of Department in Stavropol, Head of Certification
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Denis Lavrichenko
Head of Logistics and Transport
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Dmitry Podgorny
Port Facilities Operations Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Yekaterina Valiulova
Organizational Development Director
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”
Svetlana Pechenaya
Head of Quality
“We provide high-quality agricultural products in the global food supply chain”